These are skills that I've been learning over the years. My main focus is on web development, but I'm really excited about the future and the cross-platform development. Also, I've always cared about making good UI/UX and this is a skill that I've been learning by making different apps in different devices.
Called the "PHP< framework for web artisans". It is one of the best web frameworks out there to make web development.
It is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building UI. I actually learned how to write good CSS with it!
A really cool software for building apps for IIoT with web based technologies, I'm part of the development team.
The React framework for building pre-rendered apps, PWAs, Static websites, The Jamstack. This website is built on top of it.
It is a design tool to work in collaboration. Using Figma with Tailwind CSS and Refactoring UI guidelines has been amazing.
A framework for building cross-platform apps. I'm really excited about this one. I'm building some mobile apps with it.
This is a framework for building cross-platform apps with ReactJS. You can share code with native apps as well.
Another framework for building cross-platform apps. You can use ReactJS, Angular or VueJS to build apps.
The progressive Javascript framework. Really easy to work with when you are getting started in web development.
A Javascript framework for mobile and desktop apps. This was the first framework that I learned a while ago.
A Javascript runtime built on Chrome V8 (Let's see what happen in the near future with Deno).
An end-to-end open source machine learning platform. I used it a lot int the Self-Driving Cars nanodegree from Udacity
I learned about full stack apps in AWS, monolith to microservices, and serverless apps with Serverless framework.
I learned about computer vision, deep learning, sensor fusion, localization, planning, control, and system integration.
Container orchestration. If you think docker is hard, try Kubernetes. I learned a lot about it in the Cloud Developer nanodegree
And the I knew Serverless framework. Pretty amazing framework to build serverless apps (but I prefer Laravel Vapor or Vercel in production).
And many more... I've learned that the key is to be constantly learning and testing in new projects. That's the way you connect dots, create new things, and learn more.